Saturday, 23 August 2014

DIY ¦ Mason Jar Lights ♡

Hey everyone,

So I'm back with something different today...something that i've never done before on my blog...a DIY!!! I'm so excited to be posting this...many of you may have seen this idea around before. Its a very quick and affordable DIY to add something different to any room you want. 

What you will need:

♡ Any jar lying around -  can be an old jam jar or a jar to hold sweets or you can   buy one from a shop

♥ ♥ ♥

♡ Fairy lights - I already had these from when I got them from Ikea last year, they don't have to be battery operated. If you have got some left over Christmas lights you could also use them.

♥ ♥ ♥


1) Firstly, you need to take the jar that you would like to use and take the lid of and clean it out if it is dirty. My jar had chocolates in it so I gave it a quick rinse in the sink. (If there is a label on your jar don't forget to peel that off)

2) Then, making sure the jar is completely dry and the lid off because you won't need that any more, take any lights you would like to use and arrange them in the jar so that they fill up the whole of the jar and are spread out.

3) All that's left to do is find somewhere to put your jar of lights and place it down.

I placed mine down in one of the holes in my cube unit in my bedroom and arranged the holes similar to these pictures which I found on pinterest:

I hope you enjoyed this very quick and simple DIY...I know its not very hard but I thought it was a good idea to share with you that won't break the bank :D

Check out my pinterest where I have lots more DIY ideas and home decor inspiration:

P.S. Let me know what you think about this you like it and what quick DIY's have you done to spruce up an area in your room?

My links:


  1. I love this idea, it's really different other then just bunging them onto the wall and having to make a mess of the wall paper.
    It seems like a really good alternative to candles, i know a few uni friends who cannot light candles so this will be an amazing idea for them to still feel cosy in the winter season.!
    /Kerry B Blog

    1. Thank you haha...Never thought of that...hope they try it out and enjoy! x
