Monday, 25 August 2014

Makeup Social App

Hey everyone,

So I was contacted recently by the makers of the app 'Makeup Social' to do a review on their new iphone app. I had a look at it and tried it out and I'm going to share with you my 100% honest opinion about the app and if its easy to use, runs smoothly and what features I like and don't like about it :D

Unfortunately I don't have an iPhone, I have an Android, so I will be reviewing the app based on using it on my iPad, however they will be launching the Android version very soon! 

So the app is free from the itunes app store and it downloaded very quickly--- so that's a good start already!

This is what the icon looks like and what it looks like when you start the app:

Then you can sign in if you have an account already from using their website or register which is what I did, to register you have to answer some simple questions about your eyes, skin, hair etc. and enter your birth date and gender.

After you have done this, you can use the app and it should look like this: 

At the bottom you can see 5 different tabs, at the moment its on Feed where you can see what the people you are following are posting or what the latest posts are from everyone on the app.

The next tab along is the Discover tab where you can look at the most popular posts including trending products people are talking about, trending photos and trending posts that people have written: 

The next tab Add is where you can post pictures, written posts and reviews:

You can also connect Makeup Social to your facebook and twitter so that when you post it also posts to your facebook and twitter account.

Then the next tab over to the right is where you can write and view people's reviews on any product you like:

Then the last tab to the far right is where you can view your profile and notifications and also edit your profile:

So at first it will just have the questions you have answered and the username you have chosen so you can then customise it by changing your profile picture, adding some infomation about you and a link to your blog or instagram e.g. then click save :D

After this is all setup which takes no time at all literally like 5 minutes you can start posting on the app and reading and looking at what other people are posting!

Above you can see I was commenting on peoples posts, adding reviews and liking pictures by double tapping.


Overall the app is very quick and easy to use and is such a great idea for the beauty community. However, I did have a couple problems:

  • When posting one of my reviews it posted twice and I didn't know how to delete it..eventually I swiped left and figured you could delete it that way.
  • Also, when closing and opening the app again I had to click login again whereas I would prefer if it logged in automatically.


I also had one suggestion, this may already be included on the app and I have just not seen it yet but it is something I would like to address:

  • There could be a walkthrough at the start of opening the app so that new users can figure out how to do stuff like delete posts etc. (and an option to skip this for those who want to )

Overall I really enjoy using this app and its great for interacting with the beauty community and loads quickly and doesn't take up much room on your device!

I hope you enjoyed this post, it's something very different to what I normally do but was enjoyable to share my opinion with everyone.

See you in my next post :D (exciting)

My links:

*Disclaimer* I am not being paid to say things about this product and I will be sharing my 100% honest opinion. 


  1. I was asked to review this too and I did over on my blog although I do really love your review :D

    Alice x

  2. Hey! I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog! 

  3. Hey, congratulations, I just nominated you for the Liebster Award! You can check it out here:

    Love from Daisy ♥
